Two-stage rotary oil vacuum pumps GVD

Lidická kolonie 47
586 01 Jihlava
Phone: +420 567 322 487
Service: +420 567 330 556
Lidická kolonie 47
586 01 Jihlava
Phone: +420 567 322 487
Service: +420 567 330 556
The GVD series two-stage rotary oil vacuum pumps achieve low final pressures, high pumping speeds and quiet operation. The vacuum pump itself is compact and vibration-free. It is equipped with a fan and connecting fittings. An extensive range of accessories is available to enable use for a wide range of vacuum applications.
- design and implementation of vacuum systems with single-stage and two-stage rotary oil vacuum pumps
- sale of two-stage rotary oil vacuum pumps ATLAS COPCO
- sale of spare parts and accessories (suction filters, acoustic covers, valves)
- service of the ATLAS COPCO vacuum pumps directly at the customer's site
- repairs and refurbishing of two-stage rotary oil vacuum pumps
- rent of two-stage rotary oil vacuum pumps
- sale of refurbished rotary oil vacuum pumps
Service support for the ATLAS COPCO vacuum technologies:
- a team of service technicians
- a team of engineers for designing vacuum systems
- spare parts storage
- storage of accessories and other parts
- testing and measuring equipment for vacuum pumps
- industrial washing tools for environmentally friendly cleaning of vacuum pumps