GLS vacuum pumps with a circulating piston

Lidická kolonie 47
586 01 Jihlava
Phone: +420 567 322 487
Service: +420 567 330 556
Lidická kolonie 47
586 01 Jihlava
Phone: +420 567 322 487
Service: +420 567 330 556
The GLS series of the circulating piston pumps provide reliability and productivity combined with minimal maintenance requirements and minimal downtime. The pumps are used in particularly demanding applications such as the automotive or aviation industries, including their supply chains. Key characteristics include a robust cast iron construction, low ultimate pressure (up to <1x10-2 Torr), automatic lubrication system and a wide range of accessories.
- design and implementation of vacuum systems with piston vacuum pumps
- sale of piston vacuum pumps ATLAS COPCO
- sale of spare parts and accessories (suction filters, acoustic covers, valves)
- service of the ATLAS COPCO vacuum pumps directly at the customer's site
- repairs and refurbishing of piston vacuum pumps
- rent of piston vacuum pumps
- sale of refurbished rotary oil vacuum pumps
Service support for the ATLAS COPCO vacuum technologies:
- a team of service technicians
- a team of engineers for designing vacuum systems
- spare parts storage
- storage of accessories and other parts
- testing and measuring equipment for vacuum pumps
- industrial washing tools for environmentally friendly cleaning of vacuum pumps