Turnkey vacuum systems

Lidická kolonie 47
586 01 Jihlava
Phone: +420 567 322 487
Service: +420 567 330 556
E-mail: info@vakuum-bohemia.cz
Besides designing vacuum systems, we also offer delivery of turnkey vacuum systems. Delivery includes everything from incorporating the customer’s requests, up to training operating staff. All systems are supplied with a warranty as a functional whole. We provide warranty and post-warranty servicing for all supplied systems.
Standardised solutions:
VAKUUM BOHEMIA offers standardised solutions in the form of standardised vacuum centres. Centres are used as a central source of vacuum and contain all the required components including a container, filtering, management, monitoring, alarms and outputs to MaR. We also offer the possibility of delivering standardised vacuum systems that serve as a source of vacuum for larger functional units or single-purpose machines.
Unique turnkey solutions:
The first part of a unique solution is the creation of a project. This is followed creating a vacuum system and its assembly, and on-site entry into operation.
- analysis of the customer’s requirements
- verification of process parameters in operation
- project calculations
- design of a general solution
- supply of vacuum systems and system components
- on-site assembly
- entry of the system into operation
- functional tests and measurement of parameters
- documentation: Certificates, default revisions, passports, declarations of conformity.
- training of operating staff
Usual components:
- vacuum pumps
- vacuum containers
- control and monitoring systems
- complete electrical installation
- vacuum filters and separators
- valves, sensors, manometers
- vacuum distribution
- special lubricants